Sunday, August 5, 2007

Oh Yeah, and One More Thing.

Capitalism angers me with a deep anger. I hate it because it tells me that the most important thing in life is money. I hate it because it tells me to work, and I am inherently lazy. I hate it because it abuses people. I hate it because people talk about love in capitalist terms, like when they say you "invest in people," or you "give love," or love has to be "earned," or that people "deserve" love. Capitalism is so shitty, I don't know how to put it into words. I guess that I can't really back my opinion up with any solid proof, but believe me when I say that it gives me really really bad vibes.

Two Qoutes, and Some Other Biz-Nass.

"The very scary thing about religion, to me, is that people actually believe God is who they think He is. By that I mean they have Him all figured out, mapped out, and as my pastor, Rick, says, "dissected and put into jars on a shelf.""

"I want your flowers like babies want God's love or maybe as sure as tomorrow will come."

Because everything creative about me has fallen out, like a rock in a box when the bottom of the box suddenly dissappears, I have to bum creative things from Donald Miller and Sam Beam. Woe is me.

Summer is going well. If I haven't seen you for most of it, be assured that I miss you. If I have seen you for most of it, be assured that I'm glad.