Monday, February 5, 2007

My idea is to host a youth group/young people's leader's conference at Campfire! !
I want to see if we can get a bunch of leaders from all different churches to come up for a weekend, and devote themselves to leading the youth of their church to God, and to learn how to practically do so! What do you guys think? I want to host it sometime at the beginning of next study season. Hopefully churches can sponsor their youth group leaders to come, and it will be a wonderful experience! That's the plan i have right now anyway, I'm still trying to come up with details.


Tamara said...

Ben, that sounds amazing! Would you have speakers? or workshops? or what? Let me know if I can help!

Ryan said...

awesome! let me know what I can do!

justine said...

can i help too, ben!?!?!?!?!
i'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!

Ben said...

yeah, sure! thanks for volunteering! umm, we should meet about some of this stuff, so we'll talk about that...
Thanks for responding positively!

Carol-Lee Joy said...

That sounds like an awesome idea! I can see it being a very uplifting weekend as well.

justine said...

oh man ben, i really am excited.

Sarah vP said...

good idea; i'm in.

Captain Carrot said...

can i help? I'll be good, i promise

Joel f said...

That is a good idea! Keep us posted, 'cause I'd love to do something like that!