Thursday, February 14, 2008


I played basketball for a few hours this afternoon, and I really am thinking about trying out again next year.

This is a scary idea for me, because at the beginning of last year I decided I was done with competitive basketball for the rest of my life - Senate and school were going to be my focus. But playing this afternoon with some close friends and some not-so close-friends has kind of opened my eyes to the possibility that God may have more ideas for me and basketball.

Here's one of the defining conversations of my life and as a bonus, my first attempt at playwriting!

Mr. Sharpe and Ben Bouwman take a cab home from Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute after another loss. It's night, it's raining, and they are talking.

Mr. Sharpe (jamming Ben's legs with his seat) - "Oh! Sorry Ben... I didn't mean to break those sticks of legs you've got.

Cabbie laughs.

Ben - "That's alright sir, I'm ok.

Mr. Sharpe - "I guess you don't need them anyway, you never dunk. You could have made some serious impressions for All-Star selection tonight if you managed to finish some of that stuff on the baseline -- Conroy was there, you know.

Ben - "Yeah, I guess.

Silence for a few minutes, Ben and his coach are arriving at St. James.

- "Mr. Sharpe, do you think God cares about basketball?

Mr. Sharpe -"Of course he does! It's his favourite sport!

Ben - "How do you know?

Mr. Sharpe - ". . ."

I don't know what happened that night. Look up "Bob Sharpe" on a Canadian basketball website, and you'll find some impressive statistics - All Canadian, Olympian, Canadian Basketball Hall of Famer. Look up "Ben Bouwman" and you will likely find nothing. Maybe it was his impressive record colliding with my poor one, his theology colliding with mine, his god colliding with mine.

Does God care about basketball? Answer me please, whether or not you are athletically gifted!


Carol-Lee Joy said...

Well, I'm not athletic at all, but you said anyone could answer that question, so I'll take a shot at it (no pun intended).

If one of God children, one of which you are Ben, loves basketball and thinking he could go somewhere with it, and play it to God's glory and maybe use it to witness for Him, then I definately think that God loves basketball. Besides, He likes it when we keep our bodies healthy and in shape right? You told me that yourself:) So, you'd be able to do that too! Also, I think that if you love basketball and are good at it (or could be:P), which I think you do and sound like you could be with some more regular practice, and you definately have the long legs for it (sorry, I had to say it), then God wants to see you use even talents like this that He has given you. It IS a gift that He gave you. He made your body the way it is for a reason. And He gave you the love of sports right? Things like that don't just "happen". God created you just as you are with a plan in mind.

Sorry. I always seem to get carried away when I comment on your blog:) I'll pray for you.

Anonymous said...

I think it kind of comes down to what you enjoy the most....God gave you a lot of talents that you can offer senate and he gave you talents in basketball. if you enjoy basketball more go for it!

Scott Aasman said...

ben, you are a talented basketball player.
who gives one talents?
God wants us to use his gifts and talents to His glory.
play basketball my friend.

Tala Azar said...

i have to say i don't like sports but i love playing basketball (despite being sucky at it). it's the most freeing experience in the world. so i encourage you to go for it!
and hey, surely you've watched Chariots of Fire? :)

justine said...

You've been blessed with:
-a love for the game
-tallness/long legs/athlete-ness
-FRIENDS to play bball WITH
-FRIENDS to meet while playing bball
-FRIENDS to meet and to minister to/with while playing bball with
-time (haha) with which to push yourself to your limits, to stretch yourself and work hard for goals that are teambuilding, Godglorifying, and altogether wholesome.

Go Play Basketball.

Anonymous said...

When you get a talent like that, its individual, and Carol-lee is right, you were made that way for a reason. I, myself am horrible at basketball, but good at soccer, its the way we're made, and it will be a useful talent one day for you.

Ben said...

Yes, but does God care about it? Does He care who wins or loses? Who has a good game and who doesn't? I know He cares... but does He actually care - deeply? Is it "just a game"?

Tala Azar said...

yeah, because i think creation is good, and our bodies are good, and the beauty of the players and the way the game works is beautiful. it's the same question as "does God really care about art?"

Matt said...

... i know there isn't just a one line answer so here are some thoughts -
there is basketball and then there is basketball just as there is life and then there is life.
One life is driven by all that comes from self. The other life is given by God - desire, pride, competition can all find there right place in relation to God. Basketball, the way you play, is directed by your relation to God. A few examples - you are patient when you teach me how to play, you play fair, and you praise God for the physical ability to play. These are athletic signposts of the kingdom.