Friday, March 9, 2007


Here I am. I'm waiting for 3:30, so I can start my trip to Kentucky. I'm listening to Coldplay to pass the time. Chris Martin is singing "how long must you wait for it?". He has a wonderful voice. I recorded a song last week and my voice is redonkulously un-wonderful. I wonder if it will ever sound good. Right now there is an advertisment that says "Congratulations" on it that is moving around at the bottom of my screen. It's time to get a few sticky notes and cover it up, because it's really annoying me. There. I don't need to see my toolbar anyway. So I've tried everything to pass the time. NCAA basketball is not on yet, so that won't work. I went to my room and played my guitar loudly. And the i played my other guitar softly. I just moved the one sticky note to see what time it is. It is 2:40. that means i have to wait for 50 more minutes. And I am out of things to do, so here I am, wasting time on a note that no one would read. "Your guess is as good as mine." That's what Chris martin is singing now. "A Rush of Blood to the Head" is one of my favourite albums. I'm thinking about cutting and pasting this note to my blog, because no one reads facebook notes anyway. This song reminds me of Keith, Luke, and Jonathan. "You don't know how lovely you are."It reminds me of my second favouritest youth group in the world, the one @ Zion URC. It's a pretty awesome way to spend every other saturday night. So yeah, I'm about to go have a nap. Goodbye!


Carol-Lee Joy said...

Ya, I like the Zion URC Youth Group too (duh!!). Glad you like coming. I just spend the morning with Jon, Luke, and Keith. Mostly with Keith, doing dishes for pretty much the better part of 4 hours at the Pancake Breakfast. Hope you're having fun in Kentucky . . . as much fun as we had over here. Anyway, praying for you all over there.

Captain Carrot said...


justine said...

:) have fun in kentucky ben
y'all come back soon now, ya hear

Tamara said...

Aaahh...isn't it so weird that you can be there with people living a completely different life than all of us stil here at home? I can't wait to hear all the stories