Monday, December 17, 2007

We're Going to the Country!

Wildlife sightings for my walk today:
4 horses
5 motor vehicles
14 wild turkeys

I can't deny it, I'm a hick. I think it's obvious when a person is a hick - his walk includes more wild turkeys than cars. I love my house in the country, and when I move, I will miss it terribly. I feel called to the city (see post below) but am thankful for the beauty around me here, now.

Was there a reason Jesus was born outside of his hometown, and even in the country outside of Bethlehem? I don't know, but I think there might be a connection.

"If you seek a pillow for your head
Or a fitted sheet for Christmas bed
If you see your shadow on the snow
Is it from the baby Jesus glow?
He's going to the country

Find a tree and put in your house
Put a misletoe upon your mother's blouse
If you see woman dressed in black
Give her up a song and then ask for it back
We're going to the the country
We're going to the country
You're going to the country
We're going to the country
The country!"

-Sufjan Stevens "We're Going to the Country!"


Carol-Lee Joy said...

oh sufjan. i love it.
and i love Christmas. AND the country...i love the country a lot. and Christmas trees.
sigh. the word "Christmas" just has too many things attached to it to even start telling them all.

Tala Azar said...

hm, i like the country in poem and from cars. :D actually, i like it a lot when i do find myself in the country... i wish i went to the country more often. i think it would de-stress me.


i'll link you soon. tomorrow. when school is over and i have myself back.